Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Partnerships between coral reefs and animals

Some animals that live in the reef have partnerships called symbiotic relationships. The partners in a symbiotic relationship provide one another with food, shelter, or protection from enemies. very often, one of the animals cannot live without the other. It's just like us humans and our friends!

One example, is the Clownfish. It always stays near an anemone. Anemones are animals with poisonous tentacles which they use to capture their prey. Unlike other fish, Clownfishes are specially protected from the stinging tentacles. They hide among them to avoid predators. In turn, the Clownfish protect the anemone by fighting off fish that eat it. Everybody wins!

Reefs often have several cleaning stations where cleaner fish or shrimps eat small creatures that live on the scales of larger fish. Cleaner fishes get a meal and help to keep the skin of other fish healthy...another win-win situation!

adapted from life in the coral reef

Done by Tabigail Hung

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